Happy “Twosday”! ✨✨ Today is the Aquarius Gateway 2-22-2022

On 2-2-2022 the Cosmic Portal was opened and today, 2-22-2022, is the completion of our passage through it. Many of us have felt the side affects from this energy increase. Our energy may have been up and down, you may have felt symptoms, maybe light headed or tired with a few more aches or pains, or maybe sleeping less hours than you want and wondering why. There may be a lift up in energy. It affects each of us differently. Many of us are doing Light work from the higher dimensions on a spiritual level during our sleep. It is a time of higher frequency that has been helping launch beloved Earth and all life on earth through the Aquarian Gateway into the rarified frequencies of the higher dimensional Light. This is helping speed up the continuing process of the awakening of humanity. The five 2’s, (2-2-2022=10=1) bring the energy wave of Unity, Oneness. On an individual, personal level it is showing us where we need to focus our attention to unify our own energies, to let go of negative patterns and inner programs to make way for the Divine potential within us to open our consciousness toward our enlightened awareness of the Way, the Truth and the Light. It guides us to make the changes in ourselves and our lives that will align us with our Divine Plan. The six 2’s (2-22-2022=12=3) of today are opening up our avenues or channels of communication which will continue to assist us and all humanity to awaken. This year the #2 influences partnerships, harmony and balance in relationships, personal and global, or it shows us where we need to accentuate or develop these qualities, and assists us to do so. 2 is a symbol of equality and union.

Today we are being saturated with mystical energies that are summoning us to become more aligned with our Divine Purpose. These dates are all 2’s. The number 2 is a mystical number symbolizing the Divine Mother and the elements of water and emotions as well as intuition. It is now amplified and can increase our telepathic insightful awareness. I have been noticing how quickly someone responds when I think of them, or vice versa, I respond when they think of me, and how someone will be thinking something and I say it, or start talking about that subject, and again, vice versa. Many of us have been noticing lots of 11-11 on the clock, (11=2), and 2’s have been appearing frequently. There is a lot of serendipity and also synchronicity going on. The 2 influence being magical and the most feminine of all the numbers, is considered a rare moment in time to receive the Divine blessings of Goddess grace and the Master Alchemist. The Arcana tarot card, the High Priestess comes through, indicating Spiritual wisdom, inner knowing, intuition, and hidden talents being brought forth. There is a balancing of Yin (the Divine feminine in us), and Yang (the Divine Masculine in us) and in all things. The old Patriarchal system has been destructive and is now giving way to the New more nurturing way, bringing light to what needs to be changed personally and globally. Relationship roles and expectations are changing and creating the Yin/Yang balance in relationships.

This is a time of inspiration to become more attuned to and in alignment with the Divine Mission of our soul. It is also time to think of the larger picture, the global reality, and what we can do to help our beloved planet Earth. Metatron has put forth the call for us to do our part in utilizing the energies of this gateway to being co-creaters in world Peace, Love and Light. And it always starts right at home. It begins within. Meditate and pray and affirm more. We can change our attitude, our thoughts, our outlook, smile more, let kindness express. Visualize our planet as a place of peace. Decree, “I am co-creating Heaven on Earth”. When we do what we can right where we are, we affect and benefit the greater good. I like to explain it like when we lift a tablecloth up from one point, the whole tablecloth is lifted up with it…. “As I am lifted up, all life is lifted up with me”.

Astrologically speaking we have a Venus – Mars conjunction which is influencing the dynamics of our relationships with ourselves, others, as well as our love life. We see this on a global scale as well. There is what we call a Venus-Mars-Pluto super conjunction that can help to heal wounds, sadness, issues in relationships, heal wounds within, heal what we call our shadow self, and bring harmony. It has been said that there is a forming of a new cosmic template of sacred union in the New Earth timeline. We are all receiving the Galactic activations of Divine Love and Light. Of course it is always up to each of us, for all humanity to use our free will of choice in what we do with this. Now is the time to fill up with the Divine Light from above, call on the Angels, Archangels, Ascended Masters, Star Beings, and whatever Divine beings you relate to, for help in spreading that Love Light and Peace to all Life on Earth. Remember “Let there be Peace on Earth, and let it begin with Me” And be assured, you are a great Light just as you are and where you are! So let your light shine!

In Love and Service to the Light,       

Sonia Star


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