Don’t Should On Yourself!

How many times have you said “I should do this” or “I should do that”, and then when you don’t get to it you feel guilty, or stressed, or put pressure on yourself. Have you done something that you wished you hadn’t done or that you had done differently and you told yourself “I should have done it this way, or I should’ve done it differently”. How does that make you feel? Regretful, sad, angry, upset with yourself? It’s good to catch yourself when you say these things, and instantly just change the wording and say “I could do this or I could do that”… or even something like “I can do this better”. It feels a lot lighter and freer not carrying around that emotional baggage about it which only makes it harder to do it anyway. This actually helps to feel more positive to move ahead to make the correction, do it the right way or the way you wish you had in the first place.  If it can’t be redone, at least it helps to lift that emotional heaviness off of your feelings so you can move on in a more constructive way, learn from your experience and let it go. It doesn’t mean never say should, but just observe how often you do say it and try to express sometimes in other words that say what you mean and have a little more positive feeling. If it’s procrastination, saying and or feeling “I should do this” can cause you to feel pressured and keep putting it off even longer. Instead, tell yourself with feeling, “I can do this”, or “I will do this”, and notice how much better you feel about doing it.  Become more aware and notice how many times you say “I should”.  Then stop shoulding on yourself! 

Written by Sonia Star 3-28-23

Copyright © 2023
You have permission to use and share this copyrighted material providing you give proper credit to the author and do not change it or charge for it. Thank you

May be an image of 1 person and text that says 'Solstar LIGHT CENTER'


Rose-Colored Glasses

Some days I really like looking through my rose-colored glasses. It can give everything a feel good, happy perspective. Metaphorically, it means having a positive attitude and optimistic outlook on things…which also creates a feel good, happy perspective.  That doesn’t mean we’re not in touch with reality, it means that we are aware of the negative things going on, but instead of getting dragged down by too much focus on the bad things, we are choosing to focus our attention and feelings on what is positive and good. We will still do what we can to make things better in our lives and our world, and actually do a better job of it when we’re in a positive happier state of mind. It gives us energy, keeps our hope and faith alive, and helps us to manifest more of what we want in our lives and our world.

If I have a day where things are not going my way or there’s too much bad news or things are getting me down, that’s when I really need to “put on my rose-colored glasses”.  I find when I catch myself going into that negative outlook, the sooner I metaphorically get those rose-colored glasses on, the better I will feel.  We can shift our focus to what’s good in our lives and our world instead of the opposite. In other words, putting on a positive attitude helps us to begin to see things in a more positive light, and when we do that, it lifts our emotions and we find ourselves feeling happier also.

So go ahead and put on your rose-colored glasses metaphorically, and sometimes it’s kind of fun to put them on literally as well! ?

Peace Love and Happiness,
Sonia Star

Written by Sonia Star 7-7-2022
Copyright © 2022

You have permission to use and share this copyrighted material providing you give proper credit to the author and do not change it or charge for it. Thank you.

Origin, Meaning and Significance of Solstar Light Center Logo

I was awakened one morning with a Divine visitation from Ascended Master Mother Mary. Coming from that lucid dream state to waking consciousness was more magical than usual, and I felt filled with light effervescent energy. On the inner level, She clearly showed me the picture of the logo I was to use for my organization. Feeling more like I was floating, I walked out to the room where my desk was at and sat down to begin drawing the logo. As I telepathically received the transmission, I was shown the soft pastel colors each part was to be. I received the explanation of the reason and meaning of the design as well as the colors.

The mystical significance of this design is multi-layered and multi-dimensional. It has a pink heart inside the center of the star, with the sun behind and around it. The eight pointed star represents a compass, showing the way. The eight points represent balance, Life, and Infinity. The white star represents the purity and Divinity of the White Light, and the white fire body of our Divine Self, the embodiment of our ascended higher (Divine) self. The blue light outlining the white star symbolizes the Divine Power of God. In the center, the heart is pink, symbolizing Divine Love. Behind and around the Star is a Sun, a glowing yellow or golden white ball of Light representing Divine Wisdom, which symbolizes the Christ Light as well as Source Light and Life. These three colors pink, yellow, and blue also represent the threefold flame in our hearts with the three qualities of Divine Love, Wisdom, and Power.

The decree that goes with this logo is “I Am a Solar Star, Divine Love is My Light.”


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Divine Assistance From Mr. Finch

Today in the afternoon I was feeling sad, frustrated, kind of like everything piled up at once, overwhelmed with with more work to do than I had time for, having to rehome my cat and missing him, computer problems, some physical challenges, and trying to figure out where to move to. (We have packed half of our house because we were going to move last Spring to a more rural beautiful area near the forest but then all the Summer/Autumn wildfires changed our mind. So we still have half of our house packed up in our garage waiting in limbo because now we aren’t sure of where, or if to move.) Anyway, I just threw my hands up in the air and went outside to sit by the fountain. My husband joined me.

Beautiful new flowers were blooming and the soft breeze was wafting their fragrance across my face. It was such a beautiful day outside, but I was not in any mood to give it much attention and I could not hold back the burning tears…it was just all too much in that moment. I was letting the downs get me down.

Suddenly a cute little pair of Finches flew into our tree and the male finch with the bright red feathers on its head and chest started looking down at me and chirping loudly with such intensity!! I looked at my husband and said “He’s saying he has a message for me”. I just knew it in that moment. As the bird kept chirping at me, I looked down on the patio table to get a kleenex out of this little packet and wipe my tears. It was the last kleenex in the packet and I never really paid attention to what was written on the packet before. But this is what it was…

On the top of the kleenex packet was written “Summon Your Strength!” On the flipside where you take the Kleenex out of the packet was written “Soulever Lift!”

What??!! Have you ever seen that written on any Kleenex packets before? I haven’t.

Well, there was the message for me! That was a Wow moment! I was supposed to let the meaning of it all sink in.

I stopped crying and started laughing and smiling and calling on the strength within me from my Mighty I Am Presence. The bird stopped chirping at me.

I looked up and said with glee, “thank you beautiful bird!”Then they flew away together. It seemed their mission was done.

We were quite astonished and yet it seemed so natural… because it was. What started out to be a real downer was changed into an uplifting experience which helped me to get back on the right track that day! I got back my positive, hopeful attitude and started putting my focus on all the many good things in my life, and counting my blessings… by summoning that inner strength. What a sweet uplifting gift God gave to me through that Bird.

Our Divine Guidance comes in different ways. We just have to be consciously aware and pay attention so we can receive the Higher Communication with the full Blessing it has for us.


Written by Sonia Star 4-24-2022
Copyright © 2022

You have permission to use and share this copyrighted material providing you give proper credit to the author and do not change it or charge for it. Thank you.

I Can, I Will, I Am

Act As If Until It Is.
Old behavior patterns that you think you can’t change are like old comfortable clothes. You can take them off and change them, putting on something new, which may not be comfortable until you have worn the new clothes for some time. The behavior patterns may not be comfortable until you have practiced them for some time because they are still unfamiliar. Part of making them more comfortable is remembering to Act As If Until It Is. The longer you act as if, the more comfortable it feels. Then it becomes the new behavior pattern. My mother had a saying which she would remind me whenever it fit the situation, and I use it to this day. I call it the “3 R’s: Repetition Reduces Resistance”! Keep repeating the new behavior until it becomes a habit pattern. It becomes more comfortable and more natural. It’s like exercise. The more you repeat the exercise the easier it is to do and the more natural it feels. You need to believe. You may not start out believing that you can change, so act as if you can change until the change happens. You know how sometimes when you don’t feel like getting your picture taken but you have to smile for the camera to get the photo? Well that is the way you start, and if you keep going, you feel a change inside because you are smiling. Pretty soon the smile becomes a real smile, and the resistance melts away. Remember those feelings are like old clothes… you can take them off and put on something new. It’s a matter of choice and then practice. Your feelings eventually become what you are acting and decreeing or affirming. I Can, I Will, I Am.

As an example, there may be something you want to do or accomplish, but you don’t believe you can. You judge and criticize yourself and never do it because you are afraid or you feel it is not even possible. You may have developed some insecurities from past experiences or programming from what someone said to you in the past. It may feel easier to just give up before you start because you feel why waste the time and energy only to be disappointed. That can become a way to sabatoge your own good. Maybe you feel like you are being blocked or can’t figure out a way to make it happen. Another example, you may have been using anger to get your way. It’s a tactic of manipulation sometimes. Or anger may be a learned response to annoyances or things that bother you. It can even be a way that you feel more energy and subconsciously like that rush of energy. This is when you must start observing yourself. See if any of those things are true for you. Then Change Your Mindset, Make Up Your Mind you are going to change these behavior patterns, beliefs, perceptions, or judgements. Instead of saying “I can’t change.. I can’t do this.. I can’t do that”, change what you are saying to yourself, your self talk. Start saying to yourself ” I Can do this, I Can do this,I can do this”. The more you say this, the more your subconscious begins to believe it. It may take some time and lots of Repetition because you’ve been telling yourself you can’t do it for such a long time. But keep on saying “I can change, I can change, I can change”. Make this your self talk from now on. When you find yourself acting the same old ways in frustration, sadness, anger, doubt, fear, or whatever it is, say to yourself, “I Can change. I Can change this feeling. I Can change this behavior, I Can change this Stuckness, I can pick up the pieces and start over again”. Don’t give up!

Remember the 3 R’s…Repetition reduces resistance! Perhaps you feel you can’t do or achieve something. Start repeating to yourself, “I Can do this, I can do this, I can do this”. Remember the photos and smiling for the camera, making yourself smile. Think of a time when you felt peace. Think of a time when you felt happy, and smile. Take some deep breaths and exhale that anger or resentment… exhale whatever negative feelings you are trying to change… exhale the blockages or resistance. Now tell yourself, “I Can feel happy, I Can feel peaceful, I Can be strong, I can have this, I can achieve this, or I Can do this thing”. Think about something that you have to be happy about, something that brings you enthusiasm, joy or peace. Deep breathing will help to achieve this change you desire. The more deep breathing you do, releasing the negative emotion with every exhale, the better you will start to feel and there will be more room now for the positive emotions, beliefs and perceptions you want to have. (Emotion = Energy in Motion). I believe I Can, I know I Can. Through repetition, you are changing the way you Feel about this, which sets the energy in motion to accomplish it. I Can.

The next step is to start changing what you are saying to “I Will”. You have to be Willing to change. Without your willingness involved, there is no changing of the situation or behavior. You can say and believe I Can, but you need to check yourself and see if you are Willing. Are you willing to do what it takes to change this, to achieve this, or to accomplish this? Say with conviction, “I am willing to do what it takes to make this happen”. Make your next mantra or decree “I Will do this, or I Will be peaceful, or I Will be happy, or I Will accomplish this thing”. You can call on your Higher Power however you perceive it, to take charge of your little human will and align it with your Divine Will and bring you motivation and strength. Just the fact that you are Willing to practice this exercise repetitively is charging your Willingness energy into action! So in the same way that you repeated I Can, now your focus is on “I Will”. You’ll feel the strength of your conviction as you continue in this way. In fact, your Willingness brings an energy of Acceptance and Cooperation on your part. You are beginning to accept the fact that it is Possible, and your willingness makes it Probable! This energy projects forth as you Believe that you Will, and you allow your willingness to be felt and put into action, which is like a magnet to draw that desired result closer. I Will.

This is the ultimate goal. This is the Actualization of it all. This is where Believing becomes Knowing becomes Being. I Am this, I Am doing this, I Am accomplishing this. I Am acting in a better way. I Am open and receptive to my highest good. I Am experiencing the good that I desire. I Am peaceful. I Am happy. I Am____ (you choose the words). This is your Truth! I Am.

To Summarize:
*It all begins with wanting it and working on believing it is possible, acting as if it already is. “I Can”
*Next is being willing, which requires the practise of these techniques and your willingness to change. “I Will”
*Then comes the manifestation of that which you want or desire to experience, to change, to feel, do, or be. “I Am”


Written by Sonia Star 9-23-18
Copyright © 2018

You have permission to use and share this copyrighted material providing you give proper credit to the author and do not change it or charge for it. Thank you.

Spring Equinox Blessings

Spring Equinox Blessings!

Coming out of the Winter hibernation and more inward time of year, haven’t you been beginning to feel a change as the first day of Spring drew near?

With the Spring Equinox, the Earth returns to a place of perfect balance. Day & night are equal, the light & the dark, bringing the return of some much needed balance into your own life. It is now time to focus on what you need to balance in your life and take steps towards how you can do that.

Spring is a time of joy. Everything is coming alive. Nature is waking up and being reborn. The same thing is happening within you. Your spirit is coming alive with hopeful, excited energy. Parts of you are being reborn and coming alive in ways they never have before.

Spring represents a new day. It is the dawn in the wheel of the year. A new sun is rising. Life is waking up in the warm sunlight and your spirit feels ready to make a fresh start. This time of year your spirit is bright and coming alive with new ideas.

Hopefully you’re feeling inspired and excited to try new things, or to try things in a new way.
Now is the time to determine which of your winter dreams you want to focus Spring’s powerful growth energy on. 

Because this is the season of illumination, Spring brings clarity. This is the time to get really clear on what you want to see grow in your life and what you want to harvest. So that you can really get that clarity, you need to try out what’s calling you.

Spring is the time to plant the seeds of new beginnings and weed the areas of your mind and your feelings that are crowding out the growing space, to make room for new beneficial growth in the garden of your life. Summer brings powerful growth energy. If you’re not clear on where to focus that energy, it can feel chaotic or overwhelming.
Your energy can get scattered in many different directions and it could burn you out. But If you’re really clear on where you want to see new growth, you have the power to transform your life.

So now in this first part of the Spring, in order to gain that clarity, this month try out new ideas, connect with early Spring’s playful, curious spirit. Look closely at what seeds you want to plant and decide what you want to garner in the months ahead through the Summer growing season and in the Autumn harvest season.

Being in tune and alignment with the seasons is the natural way.
The seasonal soul.
May you have a Blessed Spring leading into the Joys and Blessings of the rest of the year,

Sonia Star


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Happy “Twosday”! ✨✨ Today is the Aquarius Gateway 2-22-2022

On 2-2-2022 the Cosmic Portal was opened and today, 2-22-2022, is the completion of our passage through it. Many of us have felt the side affects from this energy increase. Our energy may have been up and down, you may have felt symptoms, maybe light headed or tired with a few more aches or pains, or maybe sleeping less hours than you want and wondering why. There may be a lift up in energy. It affects each of us differently. Many of us are doing Light work from the higher dimensions on a spiritual level during our sleep. It is a time of higher frequency that has been helping launch beloved Earth and all life on earth through the Aquarian Gateway into the rarified frequencies of the higher dimensional Light. This is helping speed up the continuing process of the awakening of humanity. The five 2’s, (2-2-2022=10=1) bring the energy wave of Unity, Oneness. On an individual, personal level it is showing us where we need to focus our attention to unify our own energies, to let go of negative patterns and inner programs to make way for the Divine potential within us to open our consciousness toward our enlightened awareness of the Way, the Truth and the Light. It guides us to make the changes in ourselves and our lives that will align us with our Divine Plan. The six 2’s (2-22-2022=12=3) of today are opening up our avenues or channels of communication which will continue to assist us and all humanity to awaken. This year the #2 influences partnerships, harmony and balance in relationships, personal and global, or it shows us where we need to accentuate or develop these qualities, and assists us to do so. 2 is a symbol of equality and union.

Today we are being saturated with mystical energies that are summoning us to become more aligned with our Divine Purpose. These dates are all 2’s. The number 2 is a mystical number symbolizing the Divine Mother and the elements of water and emotions as well as intuition. It is now amplified and can increase our telepathic insightful awareness. I have been noticing how quickly someone responds when I think of them, or vice versa, I respond when they think of me, and how someone will be thinking something and I say it, or start talking about that subject, and again, vice versa. Many of us have been noticing lots of 11-11 on the clock, (11=2), and 2’s have been appearing frequently. There is a lot of serendipity and also synchronicity going on. The 2 influence being magical and the most feminine of all the numbers, is considered a rare moment in time to receive the Divine blessings of Goddess grace and the Master Alchemist. The Arcana tarot card, the High Priestess comes through, indicating Spiritual wisdom, inner knowing, intuition, and hidden talents being brought forth. There is a balancing of Yin (the Divine feminine in us), and Yang (the Divine Masculine in us) and in all things. The old Patriarchal system has been destructive and is now giving way to the New more nurturing way, bringing light to what needs to be changed personally and globally. Relationship roles and expectations are changing and creating the Yin/Yang balance in relationships.

This is a time of inspiration to become more attuned to and in alignment with the Divine Mission of our soul. It is also time to think of the larger picture, the global reality, and what we can do to help our beloved planet Earth. Metatron has put forth the call for us to do our part in utilizing the energies of this gateway to being co-creaters in world Peace, Love and Light. And it always starts right at home. It begins within. Meditate and pray and affirm more. We can change our attitude, our thoughts, our outlook, smile more, let kindness express. Visualize our planet as a place of peace. Decree, “I am co-creating Heaven on Earth”. When we do what we can right where we are, we affect and benefit the greater good. I like to explain it like when we lift a tablecloth up from one point, the whole tablecloth is lifted up with it…. “As I am lifted up, all life is lifted up with me”.

Astrologically speaking we have a Venus – Mars conjunction which is influencing the dynamics of our relationships with ourselves, others, as well as our love life. We see this on a global scale as well. There is what we call a Venus-Mars-Pluto super conjunction that can help to heal wounds, sadness, issues in relationships, heal wounds within, heal what we call our shadow self, and bring harmony. It has been said that there is a forming of a new cosmic template of sacred union in the New Earth timeline. We are all receiving the Galactic activations of Divine Love and Light. Of course it is always up to each of us, for all humanity to use our free will of choice in what we do with this. Now is the time to fill up with the Divine Light from above, call on the Angels, Archangels, Ascended Masters, Star Beings, and whatever Divine beings you relate to, for help in spreading that Love Light and Peace to all Life on Earth. Remember “Let there be Peace on Earth, and let it begin with Me” And be assured, you are a great Light just as you are and where you are! So let your light shine!

In Love and Service to the Light,       

Sonia Star


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Looking For A Sign

On a day or two with much on my mind, I asked my God Presence for guidance and a sign of hope and reassurance. I hadn’t been outside much lately in the colder weather, and walked around looking at the surrounding nature, when out of a crack in the sidewalk I saw that this lovely flower had pressed right on up through that crack and produced two beautiful blossoms and one new bud! There was my positive sign, very clear, very meaningful. Couldn’t miss it! I felt joyfully reassured and full of hope. With a steadfast focus, keep on keeping on, pressing forward. Don’t give up and keep reaching for the Light and it will be sure to bring us through any seeming challenge, obstacle, delay, or darkness to the good we seek. A remarkable reminder, right?

☀️ The Light is always Victorious. Thank you God. 🌸

Copyright © 2021 Sonia Star

You have permission to use and share this copyrighted written material providing you give proper credit to the author and do not change it or charge for it. Thank you.

Rare Cosmic Occurrence Coming Soon


Amidst all of the worldwide chaos and negative reports of the challenging times, I wanted to share with you a cool Cosmic observation which does not happen very often.

*Next Thursday will be the 21st day of the 21st year of the 21st century. ?

How about that!?! ?Pretty remarkable isn’t it . ?
I thought you would all find that interesting.  I know I do. ✨✨✨

I hope you are all staying safe and well and focusing on all the Positive and Good things in Life as much as you can. At this time more than ever, we need Unity in our Lightwork so we can have a positive effect on our planet’s collective outcomes. ?? Let’s All pray often for the healing and upliftment of human consciousness, the United States, and our Entire Beloved Planet!

Peace be with us All & Peace on Earth!

Love and Light Blessings,

Sonia Star

Copyright © 2021 Sonia Star

You have permission to use and share this copyrighted written material providing you give proper credit to the author and do not change it or charge for it. Thank you.

Burning Bowl Ceremony New Year’s Eve

?What will you be doing on New Year’s Eve??

✨✨We have a tradition for New Year’s Eve called the Burning Bowl Ceremony.?✨✨ I first began this in 1979 at Christ Church Unity where I served for 15 years. It can be done anywhere and at any time that feels significant for you.  I like it on New Year’s Eve. One year we took an RV to Yosemite for New Years Eve using the fire pit there in the snow. It was beautiful. We will be doing this meaningful ritual at home this year.  I would like to share with you about this tradition.

The burning bowl ceremony is a fire ceremony that helps you release old, unwanted conditions or events in your life. In this ceremony we contemplate these conditions, things, ideas, thoughts, and habits that no longer serve our highest good. As a Hypnotherapist for 35 years, I must mention that some things will come to mind right away, but some of them are buried deep in the subconscious mind. In contemplation or meditation, as these things are revealed to our conscious mind, we write them down on paper, which actively releases them from us through our mind/body connection just as soon as the pen or pencil meets the paper. Then the paper is burned as a symbol of releasing and letting go. Watching these things burn up, we visualize it all rising up in the smoke and being released from us. This process helps the subconscious mind believe they are cleared away. Our conscious awareness activates the release of these problems and is able to then be free to experience renewal and create what we want in our life. Aligning our intention with faith, we let go of discord, old wounds, unhealthy feelings, thoughts, fears, negative energy, and that which does not serve our Divine Plan, Purpose and Mission. Through the significant and powerful release of the burning bowl ritual, we can let go of that which is holding us back, and what a perfect time to do this….at the end of the old year!

At the close of the ceremony it is good to say a decree, affirmation, prayer, or statement of your intention. Some suggestions for this could be:
*To keep it simple, you can say “I release that which is not for my highest good.”
*or say”I release what I don’t want. I let go and let God do the work in this sacred experience. In this, I am healed and renewed. I open my heart to love, and I am blessed with peace, joy, and harmony.”
* or “I AM the Violet Flame of Love, blazing through anything within me that needs to be released or healed.”
* or “I AM calling forth the Violet Flame to cleanse, uplift and purify everything within me.”
*or if you choose, you can call on God, Allah, Jesus, Buddha, Saint Germain, Krishna, the Universe, Holy Spirit, or whatever Higher Power you feel a connection with to assist you.

These are just some ideas, but most importantly, you say what your heart tells you in that moment to close the Burning Bowl Ceremony. Now the negative energy has been released, dissipated, vanished.

After completing the ritual we like to come back inside and write down all the things we Do want in the New Year. This is a good time to consider the future. Set aside some time to journal and/or visualize what you want to take the place of what has been released. What do you want to experience in life now? How do you want it to take shape?

Sometimes we write this just after midnight. Recently I have liked the energy of the 1st day of the new year to put pen to paper and write this. When we have written what we want, we put it in an envelope and leave it until July 1, half a year later to see how we are doing. We can also look at it again the next New Years eve. We can write our intentions in a journal or create a vision board and put it in a safe place and even set a reminder on our calendar for next year to see how our vision has taken shape.Blessings in releasing the old unwanted energies and manifestations, and creating that which is for our Highest Good and the good of all concerned.

All the best of everything!!
Love and Light,
Sonia Star

Copyright © 2020 Sonia Star

You have permission to use and share this copyrighted written material providing you give proper credit to the author and do not change it or charge for it. Thank you.