I Can, I Will, I Am

Act As If Until It Is.
Old behavior patterns that you think you can’t change are like old comfortable clothes. You can take them off and change them, putting on something new, which may not be comfortable until you have worn the new clothes for some time. The behavior patterns may not be comfortable until you have practiced them for some time because they are still unfamiliar. Part of making them more comfortable is remembering to Act As If Until It Is. The longer you act as if, the more comfortable it feels. Then it becomes the new behavior pattern. My mother had a saying which she would remind me whenever it fit the situation, and I use it to this day. I call it the “3 R’s: Repetition Reduces Resistance”! Keep repeating the new behavior until it becomes a habit pattern. It becomes more comfortable and more natural. It’s like exercise. The more you repeat the exercise the easier it is to do and the more natural it feels. You need to believe. You may not start out believing that you can change, so act as if you can change until the change happens. You know how sometimes when you don’t feel like getting your picture taken but you have to smile for the camera to get the photo? Well that is the way you start, and if you keep going, you feel a change inside because you are smiling. Pretty soon the smile becomes a real smile, and the resistance melts away. Remember those feelings are like old clothes… you can take them off and put on something new. It’s a matter of choice and then practice. Your feelings eventually become what you are acting and decreeing or affirming. I Can, I Will, I Am.

As an example, there may be something you want to do or accomplish, but you don’t believe you can. You judge and criticize yourself and never do it because you are afraid or you feel it is not even possible. You may have developed some insecurities from past experiences or programming from what someone said to you in the past. It may feel easier to just give up before you start because you feel why waste the time and energy only to be disappointed. That can become a way to sabatoge your own good. Maybe you feel like you are being blocked or can’t figure out a way to make it happen. Another example, you may have been using anger to get your way. It’s a tactic of manipulation sometimes. Or anger may be a learned response to annoyances or things that bother you. It can even be a way that you feel more energy and subconsciously like that rush of energy. This is when you must start observing yourself. See if any of those things are true for you. Then Change Your Mindset, Make Up Your Mind you are going to change these behavior patterns, beliefs, perceptions, or judgements. Instead of saying “I can’t change.. I can’t do this.. I can’t do that”, change what you are saying to yourself, your self talk. Start saying to yourself ” I Can do this, I Can do this,I can do this”. The more you say this, the more your subconscious begins to believe it. It may take some time and lots of Repetition because you’ve been telling yourself you can’t do it for such a long time. But keep on saying “I can change, I can change, I can change”. Make this your self talk from now on. When you find yourself acting the same old ways in frustration, sadness, anger, doubt, fear, or whatever it is, say to yourself, “I Can change. I Can change this feeling. I Can change this behavior, I Can change this Stuckness, I can pick up the pieces and start over again”. Don’t give up!

Remember the 3 R’s…Repetition reduces resistance! Perhaps you feel you can’t do or achieve something. Start repeating to yourself, “I Can do this, I can do this, I can do this”. Remember the photos and smiling for the camera, making yourself smile. Think of a time when you felt peace. Think of a time when you felt happy, and smile. Take some deep breaths and exhale that anger or resentment… exhale whatever negative feelings you are trying to change… exhale the blockages or resistance. Now tell yourself, “I Can feel happy, I Can feel peaceful, I Can be strong, I can have this, I can achieve this, or I Can do this thing”. Think about something that you have to be happy about, something that brings you enthusiasm, joy or peace. Deep breathing will help to achieve this change you desire. The more deep breathing you do, releasing the negative emotion with every exhale, the better you will start to feel and there will be more room now for the positive emotions, beliefs and perceptions you want to have. (Emotion = Energy in Motion). I believe I Can, I know I Can. Through repetition, you are changing the way you Feel about this, which sets the energy in motion to accomplish it. I Can.

The next step is to start changing what you are saying to “I Will”. You have to be Willing to change. Without your willingness involved, there is no changing of the situation or behavior. You can say and believe I Can, but you need to check yourself and see if you are Willing. Are you willing to do what it takes to change this, to achieve this, or to accomplish this? Say with conviction, “I am willing to do what it takes to make this happen”. Make your next mantra or decree “I Will do this, or I Will be peaceful, or I Will be happy, or I Will accomplish this thing”. You can call on your Higher Power however you perceive it, to take charge of your little human will and align it with your Divine Will and bring you motivation and strength. Just the fact that you are Willing to practice this exercise repetitively is charging your Willingness energy into action! So in the same way that you repeated I Can, now your focus is on “I Will”. You’ll feel the strength of your conviction as you continue in this way. In fact, your Willingness brings an energy of Acceptance and Cooperation on your part. You are beginning to accept the fact that it is Possible, and your willingness makes it Probable! This energy projects forth as you Believe that you Will, and you allow your willingness to be felt and put into action, which is like a magnet to draw that desired result closer. I Will.

This is the ultimate goal. This is the Actualization of it all. This is where Believing becomes Knowing becomes Being. I Am this, I Am doing this, I Am accomplishing this. I Am acting in a better way. I Am open and receptive to my highest good. I Am experiencing the good that I desire. I Am peaceful. I Am happy. I Am____ (you choose the words). This is your Truth! I Am.

To Summarize:
*It all begins with wanting it and working on believing it is possible, acting as if it already is. “I Can”
*Next is being willing, which requires the practise of these techniques and your willingness to change. “I Will”
*Then comes the manifestation of that which you want or desire to experience, to change, to feel, do, or be. “I Am”


Written by Sonia Star 9-23-18
Copyright © 2018

You have permission to use and share this copyrighted material providing you give proper credit to the author and do not change it or charge for it. Thank you.