Spring Equinox Blessings

Spring Equinox Blessings!

Coming out of the Winter hibernation and more inward time of year, haven’t you been beginning to feel a change as the first day of Spring drew near?

With the Spring Equinox, the Earth returns to a place of perfect balance. Day & night are equal, the light & the dark, bringing the return of some much needed balance into your own life. It is now time to focus on what you need to balance in your life and take steps towards how you can do that.

Spring is a time of joy. Everything is coming alive. Nature is waking up and being reborn. The same thing is happening within you. Your spirit is coming alive with hopeful, excited energy. Parts of you are being reborn and coming alive in ways they never have before.

Spring represents a new day. It is the dawn in the wheel of the year. A new sun is rising. Life is waking up in the warm sunlight and your spirit feels ready to make a fresh start. This time of year your spirit is bright and coming alive with new ideas.

Hopefully you’re feeling inspired and excited to try new things, or to try things in a new way.
Now is the time to determine which of your winter dreams you want to focus Spring’s powerful growth energy on. 

Because this is the season of illumination, Spring brings clarity. This is the time to get really clear on what you want to see grow in your life and what you want to harvest. So that you can really get that clarity, you need to try out what’s calling you.

Spring is the time to plant the seeds of new beginnings and weed the areas of your mind and your feelings that are crowding out the growing space, to make room for new beneficial growth in the garden of your life. Summer brings powerful growth energy. If you’re not clear on where to focus that energy, it can feel chaotic or overwhelming.
Your energy can get scattered in many different directions and it could burn you out. But If you’re really clear on where you want to see new growth, you have the power to transform your life.

So now in this first part of the Spring, in order to gain that clarity, this month try out new ideas, connect with early Spring’s playful, curious spirit. Look closely at what seeds you want to plant and decide what you want to garner in the months ahead through the Summer growing season and in the Autumn harvest season.

Being in tune and alignment with the seasons is the natural way.
The seasonal soul.
May you have a Blessed Spring leading into the Joys and Blessings of the rest of the year,

Sonia Star


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